Quick Tips to Help You Avoid an Elevator Breakdown in Your Facility

No facility likes to face an elevator breakdown. Keeping your elevator in good working order can often mean just a few simple maintenance tips and avoiding common reasons for a breakdown. Here are some maintenance tips so you can ensure you're doing all you can to keep your elevator in good working order.

1. Keeping mechanics cool

Most traction control elevators have their controls on the penthouse or roof of a building and rarely do the owners think about keeping this area cooled, or having any type of temperature control. In turn, the mechanics can get very warm on any summer day, as the small control room in which they're housed can trap heat and humidity. The controls can then easily break down and the elevator doesn't get the signals as it should, or the chains and gears simply lock up. Consider adding at least ventilation to this space so that heat doesn't get trapped and the mechanics are protected.

2. Avoiding dust and dirt

Dust and dirt can settle into elevator chambers and onto the chains and gears and cause friction or a breakdown very easily, as these areas are rarely cleaned. Adding air conditioning to the mechanics room can also add more dust and dirt to the elevator chamber, as the air conditioner blows air from dusty vents to the chamber itself. This too is why it's good to simply add ventilation to the mechanics room rather than air conditioner. It can also be good to have the shafts cleaned and serviced, with fresh oil and lubrication added to the chains and gears after they've been cleaned, on a regular basis.

3. Upgrading electrical systems

When you upgrade any electrical component in a building, you want to think about the electrical relays and switches, the circuits, and the wiring of the building. These all need to work to support the amount of electricity needed for those new systems, and if any of them cannot support these systems, this can cause a short of electricity and equipment failure. If you've upgraded your elevator itself but haven't checked the wiring and other electrical components to see if the unit is getting enough volts, this can cause damage to the elevator's electrical components over time. Upgrade your electrical pieces and systems as needed to keep your elevator in good working order. For more information on maintenance for your elevator, talk to a professional.

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Successful Crane Hire Tips and Other Industrial Equipment Shopping Advice

If you hire cranes or buy other types of industrial equipment, I am writing this blog for you. Hi, my name is Keith, and I used to work with a developer. I did a range of things including buying and hiring equipment. Now, I run my own web-based business, but I still love to read and now write about industrial equipment. I want to start with crane hire because hiring cranes was one of the most challenging aspects of my job, and I am sure others likely have questions on this topic. Please explore this blog, and if my tips help you, share them with your friends.

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